What is it that they say, prevention is the best approach? And let’s face it, there is just no way to get out of yard work. Whether you’re just maintaining a yard or are an enthusiast with gardens and raised beds it’s important to take the proper precautions for avoiding muscle strain. Amundson Chiropractic Health Services is on hand to offer the following tips to help you enjoy a safe, productive day of landscaping, gardening or yard work.

  • When gardening, use properly cushioned pads to support your knees. The pads will not only offer relief on your knees, but they may help to improve your body position which will decrease the likelihood of injury.
  • If you are breaking ground for the first time (with a hoe or other gardening tool) be sure to moisten the soil first to make the job easier on your back.
  • Don’t forget supportive shoes. Good foot and arch support can prevent some back strain.
  • Be sure to switch the side on which you are operating any equipment as often as possible to balance the muscles being used.
  • Consider the use of electric powered tools if possible—especially if you experience back or neck pain—they tend to be lighter than their engine powered counterparts.
  • Be sure to bend from the knees, not at the waist when picking up or putting down equipment.
  • Be sure to keep the equipment as close to your body as possible as you lift, not at arm’s length.
  • Buy heavy items (cement, compost etc) in smaller bags to reduce your carrying load.
  • Planting for protection: go for ground-covering plants to reduce weeding; use bark to stifle weeds; enjoy tubs and container gardening for annuals, to avoid too much bending, digging and planting up in your borders.

It is very important to remember to stretch before and after your yard work begins. Please be sure to take breaks, stay hydrated and enjoy your time outside! If you experience pain or discomfort after completing yard work, alternate with ice and heat and contact Dr. Amundson at 816-220-0660 to schedule an appointment to get you back on track.


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